Photo Name Title Email Phone More Info
Wilk, Elli Elli Wilk Band Teacher - Fine Arts Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18036 More Info
Keller, Susan Susan Keller Behavior Support Aide Email 715-536-5233 More Info
Morris, Chloe Chloe Morris Behavior Support Aide Email 715-536-5233 More Info
Folz, Tracey Tracey Folz Buildings & Grounds Administrative Assistant Email 715-536-4581 ext 10100 More Info
Wszalek, Nicholas Nicholas Wszalek Buildings & Grounds Administrator Email More Info
Stutting, Kimberly Kimberly Stutting Business Education Teacher Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18255 More Info
Scott, Perry Perry Scott Choir Teacher - Fine Arts Email 715-536-4594 ext 18095 More Info
Pawlicki, Guy Guy Pawlicki Coach Email 715-536-4594 More Info
ClabotsForster, Laura Laura ClabotsForster Counselor Email 715-536-9593 ext. 17013 More Info
Holt, Kasie Kasie Holt Counselor Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18016 More Info
Knospe, Trina Trina Knospe Counselor Email 715-536-9593 ext. 17012 More Info
Kratz, Breanna Breanna Kratz Counselor Email 715-536-4594 ext 18017 More Info
Nowinsky, Christy Christy Nowinsky Counselor Email 715-536-2373 Ext. 16250 More Info
Spangberg, Miranda Miranda Spangberg Counselor Email 715-536-5233 Ext 13139 More Info
Taskay, Sara Sara Taskay Curriculum & Instruction Admin. Assistant Email 715-536-4581 ext 10004 More Info
Baker, Kimberly Kimberly Baker Custodian Email 715-536-2392 More Info
Davis, Deanna Deanna Davis Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Detert, Steven Steven Detert Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Galarza, Al Al Galarza Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Gennrich, Rick Rick Gennrich Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Halfmann, Carla Carla Halfmann Custodian Email 715-536-9593 ext 17213 More Info
Hannemann, Shannon Shannon Hannemann Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Holz, Colton Colton Holz Custodian Email 715-536-5233 More Info
Holz, Stephen Stephen Holz Custodian Email 715-536-4594 More Info
Hull, Daniel Daniel Hull Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Kalbes, Kurt Kurt Kalbes Custodian Email 715-536-4594 More Info
Nielsen, Cassandra Cassandra Nielsen Custodian Email 715-536-4594 More Info
Pfaff, Steven Steven Pfaff Custodian Email 715-536-9593 More Info
Saal, Steven Steven Saal Custodian Email 715-536-4594 More Info
Schenzel, Trevor Trevor Schenzel Custodian Email 715-536-4594 More Info
Sprague, Edward Edward Sprague Custodian Email More Info
Swope, Kip Kip Swope Custodian Email 715-536-4594 Ext 18022 More Info
Wilde, Jerome Jerome Wilde Custodian Email 715-536-5233 ext. 13112 More Info
Wilke, Eric Eric Wilke Custodian Email 715-536-2373 More Info
Juedes, Carla Carla Juedes Custodian/Bus Dispatch Email 715-536-4581 Ext. 10102 More Info
Strike, Kelley Kelley Strike Director of Business Services Email 715-536-4581 ext. 10001 More Info
Patterson, Amanda Amanda Patterson Director of Curriculum and Instruction Email 715-536-4581 ext 10005 More Info
Powell, Mark Mark Powell Director of Finance Email 715-536-4581 ext 10009 More Info
Soberg, Heather Heather Soberg Director of Human Resources Email 715-536-4581 ext 10001 More Info
Haluska, Amber Amber Haluska Director of Pupil Services/Special Education Email 715-536-4581 ext10008 More Info
Bodenheimer, Adam Adam Bodenheimer District IT Technician Email 715-536-4594 ext. 74357 More Info
Bonack, Emily Emily Bonack English Teacher Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18244 More Info
Prazuch, Daniel Daniel Prazuch English Teacher Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18240 More Info
Raddatz, Amy Amy Raddatz English Teacher Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18244 More Info
Wagenaar, Timothy Timothy Wagenaar English Teacher Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18241 More Info
Zalewski, Joshua Joshua Zalewski Fab Lab Director Email 715-536-4594 Ext. 18148 More Info
White, Amanda Amanda White Family and Consumer Education Teacher Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18113 More Info
Woller, Sally Sally Woller Food Service Email 715-536-5432 More Info
Krause, Laura Laura Krause Food Service Director Email 715-536-4594 ext. 18010 More Info
Ballmer, Jean Jean Ballmer Food Service Head Cook Email More Info